Blippit Boards DashBoard Charts include all display boards and are driven by the tags you have used. Make sure that everyone as a bare minimum tags all of their boards with Key Stage, Subject and Year Group.

The more detailed the tagging applied then the better and more insightful the charts.  Subject leaders with Admin accounts on Blippit Boards can edit the tags of their own boards once created and anyone else.

For example, a SENDCO may want to add Accessibility tags to a colleague's board, via the app, if the opportunity has been missed.  This bolsters the Accessibility charts and gives a more accurate view of Accessibility as a key consideration in school.

Tags can be added at any time via the app but it is recommended that this is done on creation or they maybe overlooked causing misrepresentation in the dashboard for other subject and school leaders.

The principle of 'a tag must be applied for it to be included in a chart' applies to every tag. A science-related board will not be included in the chart data for science unless it has been tagged as science for example.

Watch the video to see how to apply tags. (Video is from an earlier version of the app but this aspect is essentially the same)