Videos are added/removed/watched using the Blippit Boards app (requires vers. 2.3.2) or the web app at via Google Chrome web browser. Videos can also be watched in the dashboard as well as the app.

Adding videos to a new board

*Please update the app to version 2.3.2 if your school has upgraded to get video.*

A board requires at least one photo to be added BEFORE you can add a video using the 'Add video' button shown above. This is so that when a report is run, for a board to appear in that report, it must contain an image as videos do not appear in PDF or Microsoft Word reports.

Video portrait or landscape?

We recommend you record a video with your device rotated in landscape mode. This ensures that the video can be watched at the largest possible size.

How long can a video be and how many are allowed in a board?

Videos can be up to 1 minute long and must be cropped to length before uploading.

Up to 3 videos can be added to one board. You can add photos, audio, and up to 3 videos to the same board to bring your example to life. You could record for 3-min and then chop it into 3 for an extended viewing experience or add three different 1-min videos of contrasting approaches/levels of achievement in action.

Can't see your video right away?

Videos are large files that Blippit must process before they are ready to watch. Videos do not show on a board while being processed. Instead, a placeholder image of a clock (shown below) appears after 100% of the video is uploaded. 

When the video is fully processed, a thumbnail image from your video will appear instead of the placeholder shown below.

Playing videos

Once added to a board, tap the play button on a video to play/pause on your device. Tap to go full screen and then rotate your device if needed to make the video fill your screen.

Adding videos to a board you made previously

Tap the 3-dots by the board's title -> tap 'Edit' -> tap 'Add Video' in the bottom toolbar. To delete a video from a board, tap the small icon in the corner of the video thumbnail.